In line with our sustainability strategy, we are unwavering in our commitment to health and safety

Our approach
Our ambition in the second pillar of our sustainability strategy is to continuously prioritise and improve upon the safety and security of our workplace. We safeguard the health and wellbeing of everyone on our sites, including our employees, contractors, suppliers and visitors. From a security point of view, we also protect the integrity of all aspects of our operations. We strongly believe this is critical to the ongoing success of Savannah’s operations, activities and projects, and also to safeguard human rights.
We continue to develop global health and safety, environment and security management systems that create a robust compliance environment with policies, procedures, systems and controls aimed at embedding a positive safety culture inside and outside our Company. This allows us to measure, mitigate and/or minimise our health and safety, environmental and security risks, and learn from accidents, incidents and near misses. Led by Antoine Richard, our Chief Operating Officer, we continuously refresh our training and development opportunities to reinforce our commitment to an injury-free working environment for our employees, contractors, suppliers and visitors.

Prioritising security
Savannah’s focus this year has been to continue to identify all security risks by utilising a holistic approach to mitigating and identifying them before they manifest, and by aligning robust crisis management and emergency procedures to any potential events as they unfold. Therefore, we are continually kept abreast with the latest information to allow us to assess and moderate threats and risks as they develop to ensure we are affording our staff the safest environment possible in which to operate.
At Savannah we are mindful that certain procedures and security protocols that work in one country of operations do not necessarily apply in others where we operate. To account for this, our local Asset Protection Teams are empowered to continually develop, evolve and pressure test their procedures. We use information services to track security developments and also continually engage with local communities and host governments. This is to ensure all our staff, organisational assets and systems remain uncompromised for the delivery of effective safe and secure operations.

Human rights
We remain committed to acting in accordance with internationally recognised human rights standards. Savannah has a stringent set of policies, regulations and work practices, underpinned by our Human Rights Policy and our Code of Ethics.
Our annual reporting metrics
- Number of fatalities (new for 2023 reporting).
- Number of security incidents.
- Number of transport incidents.
- Total length of journeys safely managed.
- Health, safety and environment training hours (new for 2023 reporting).
2023 performance
- Our LTIR was zero per 200,000 working hours (2022: 0.34).
- Our TRIR was zero per 200,000 working hours (2022: 0.68).
- There were zero fatalities (2022: zero).
- We recorded 10 security incidents (2022: 11).
- We covered 1.42 million km with two transport-related incidents (2022: one in 1.38 million km).
- Our RTAR was 0.28 (2022: 0.14).
- We delivered 4,988 Health, Safety and Environment training hours in 2023 (2022: 861).
- We continued to act in accordance with internationally recognised human rights standards.
2024 objectives
- Continue to develop and implement training and knowledge transfer to embed a zero-harm culture.
- Continue to enhance driving awareness through safety campaigns centred around promoting responsible and secure driving practices.